FAQ'S on Bariatric Surgery

Most frequent questions and answers

Overweight & obesity is an end result of inherited genes, eating environment; lifestyle changes. It is true that conventional measures like controlled eating, regular exercises etc can help in weight loss. However, long term follow-up studies have shown that morbidly obese individuals regain their lost weight within 1-3 years. Obesity is the cause of many associated diseases & thus with the weight regain, associated illnesses also come back.

Bariatric surgery is the surgical intervention, mostly laparoscopic, to help patient lose weight. This term includes various kinds of abdominal procedures which helps person eat small quantity of food & feel satiated. Additionally, some procedures prevent absorption of calorie dense food from intestines.

No spot weight loss happens. The person loses 8-20kgs in the 1st month and 4-10 kgs thereafter depending on initial weight. Weight loss continues for 1 1/2 to 2 years but slows down gradually.

Usually patients lose 50%-90% of excess weight after bariatric surgery. The excess weight is calculated by (Actual weight – Ideal weight = Excess weight).

Hence, if you are 100 kgs today & your ideal weight should be 65 kgs then your excess weight is 35 Kgs. After bariatric surgery, it is possible to lose 20-30 kgs, subject to regular follow up & compliance.

If you are obese & diabetic ; hypertensive, bariatric surgery is all the more indicated as it resolves type II diabetes in 80%-90% patients. Similarly, blood pressure is also controlled or resolved in majority of patients.

Definitely not. Obesity is a life-threatening disease & its treatment helps in improving Quality of Life (QOL) ; increasing life span. It is also not performed by plastic/cosmetic surgeons.

You will be required to eat the starters/entree only – as your stomach capacity is limited. It is advisable to eat slowly & let others eat 2-3 courses of meal. It is also advisable to inform your hosts your specific requirement to save embarrassment, when you refuse to eat their well-crafted meal.

Alcohol is liquid rich in calories. It is not held back by the new stomach & also does not help in giving feeling of satiety. It should be avoided especially after a gastric bypass procedure, where it can give rise to abdominal cramps.

Usually not. Skin has enough elasticity to regain shape after weight loss. However, in some patients if the skin is unable to regain its tone, cosmetic surgery may be desirable. It is advisable to wait for 2 years after bariatric surgery before making up your mind about cosmetic procedure.

Usually, possibility of getting pregnant increases after weight loss. It is advisable to avoid pregnancy during the first year after weight loss surgery, but thereafter pregnancy is safer as blood pressure, blood sugar levels become normal & the baby’s weight also is normal.

Usually, it is possible to consume any size tablet/capsule. If you feel the tablet is extra-large, then you can break them in 2-3 pieces before consumption.

Yes, technically most of these procedures except sleeve gastrectomy are reversible, however, it is not advisable to contemplate reversal as person can regain the lost weight, in addition of morbidity of 2 surgeries.

Surgery is an efficient tool to help you lose weight. If you follow medical & dietary advice, then weight loss is imperative. Failures do happen if the person defaults on supplement intake & inability of long term follow up.

Bariatric surgery works on the principal of satiety. Though your hunger will be normal, you will feel satisfied/satiated with small amount of food. Even today you eat till you are full. After surgery you will be able to eat till you are full(with a small amount of food).

Endoscopic Balloon
Endoscopic Gastroplasty
Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy
Lap Gastric Bypass
Lap One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass
Lap Sleeve & Loop Bipartition

The choice of a procedure is taken after taking into consideration various factors – dietary habits, associated diseases, desired weight loss, initial weight, ability for follow on, age etc. It is recommended that the decision be made in joint consultation with the operating surgeon. The final decision will be of the patient & family.

Various factors should be considered prior to selecting a surgeon, including:

– Experience of surgeon
– Hospital set up
– Safety profile of surgeon

It is important to assess whether surgeon has performed similar surgeries in past & how many of them had any major complication/s. The best approach is to ask for few of the patient’s contact details. Then you can contact them to find the required details.